I would like to thank the following people, some of whom are sadly no longer with us, for helping to make this database possible, though their inspiration, advice and information at different times over more than four decades (apologies to any I have missed).
John Kanefsky
University of Exeter, April 2020
- John Harris, who asked the question in the first place
- John Robey, who started the whole process of counting individual engines
and worked on this with me in the 1970s
- Jennifer Tann, whose work on the Bouton and Watt archives provided so much of the evidence
- Alessandro Nuvolari, who scanned in the computer printout
Also for specific industries and areas:
- Donald Anderson
- Anthony Annakin-Smith
- John Barnatt
- Maurice Beresford
- Andrew Brander
- Roger Burt
- Roy Campbell
- Louis Cullen
- Joan Day
- Mike Gill
- John Goodchild
- Alan Griffin
- Steve Grudgings
- Bill Harvey
- David Hardwick
- John Hunter
- David Jenkins
- Peter King
- David Kitching
- Peter Lead
- Ian Miller
- Ted Musson
- Mike Nevell
- John Nunn
- David Poyner
- Paul Reynolds
- Peter Solar
- Rick Stewart
- Mike Syer
- Hugh Torrens
- John Townley
- Barrie Trinder
- Les Turnbull
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